Meermädchen KAL
Der Wind am Strand ist noch die nächsten Monate zugig-kalt und bis wir die ersten Frühlingsboten begrüßen können und die Tage endlich wieder lang sind, ist es noch ein bisschen hin… Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust, gemeinsam ganz viel Farbe in die dunkle Zeit zu bringen?
Der Meermädchen KAL dauert vom 01.02. bis zum 20.03. (Frühlingsanfang!) und findet in meiner ravelry-Gruppe statt. Für diejenigen, die Lust haben, Nightswimming, Steilküste, Waterkant, Waterkant Socks oder Wellenspiel während des KALs zu stricken, gibt es 20% Rabatt. Unter allen fertigen Projekten werden drei kleine Stränge (à 50 g) Wollmeise Pure in der Farbe „Kräuterbeet“ verlost.
Ich freue mich auf euch!
Das Bild ist auf einem schönen Sonntagsspaziergang im Freilichtmuseum Molfsee vor dem Walfängerhaus entstanden.
The wind on the beach will be draughty and cold for the next few months, and it will take some time before the first heralds of spring arrive and the days are a little bit longer… Are you in the mood for brightening up winter with a splash of colour?
Our Meermädchen KAL is taking place in my ravelry group from 02-01 to 03-20. There is a 20% discount for those of you who would like to knit Nightswimming, Steilküste, Waterkant, Waterkant Socks or Wellenspiel during the KAL. I’ll be raffling off three mini skeins (50 grams each) of Wollmeise Pure in colour „Kräuterbeet“.
I’m looking forward to knitting with you!
North Northwest Pattern
Hi Lea — i found your tutorial and the message about the striped edge stitches. It sounds like i am knitting in the round but i don’t understand the cast on part. Are you picking up, casting on, then knit and turn — and the colored stripes just happens because of variegated colors? Is the grafting instructions like the Kitchener stitch? Whats being granted to what?
I’ll probable get this once i read it again and again, i am not that good at reading pattern — yet.
Thank you for your valuable time — CarolynsYarn
Hi Carolyn,
you start with the striped edge stitches after completing the intermediate part which is knit in the round. No, you don’t have to pick up stitches to start with the edge stitches – just follow the instructions for the provisional cast on provided in the tutorial. The edge stitches are knitted flat in rows (in garter stitch), and you’ll have to turn the work to connect the edge stitches to the body of your shawl, it’s quite simple once you’ve started knitting. The coloured striped just happen due to your variegated yarn!
I hope this is helpful – please feel free to contact me again whenever there is something you’d like to know.
Happy knitting! 🙂
Lea Viktoria